Human Resources

Egezemin İnşaat is a large family with over 400 employees. With the awareness that human resources are the source of success we practice human resources policies that will contribute to the personal and professional development of all our employees and create a sustainable learning environment..

The basic principles of our human resources policy;
• To create and implement a system in which the quality of human resources that will ensure efficient and productive completion of our company’s activities are determined, selected and employed, • To determine, implement and assess the results from the perspective of the company of training programs that will provide our personnel with the knowledge, skills, attitude and behavior they need to acquire so as not to be left behind any find of advancements and changes that occur in the nature of the job, so their job satisfaction is increased and they are more successful in their work • To develop a performance management system that will enable personnel to see the results or the output of their own work and evaluate their individual success,
• To develop and implement a career management system that enables personnel to constantly improve themselves in the company, prepare themselves for positions higher than theirs and evaluate our employees at every level who are interested in undertaking responsibility,
• To collect information about the scope of the work being done in the company, the need for human resources and the working environment and to make analyses to assess this information in order to create job descriptions according to changing conditions,
• To develop systems that encourage success and creativity by providing working conditions suitable to the service being carried. In this context our principle is to utilize the creativity of all our stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, community). To transform them into new products, services, processes, systems and social interactions, to create new ideas that will achieve innovation and add value to the company, employees and the other stakeholders, that will motivate the accomplishing and being beneficial potential that is present in people to enable them to do everything with thought and inquiry, use their accumulation of knowledge and experience for the benefit of the company and employees. To recognize creative ideas and motivate their creators through acknowledgement to increase the participation of all employees in company activities with their creative and innovative ideas.
• To give applications direction by getting the opinions of employees through surveys and similar means,
• To create a “Company Culture and Awareness” by fulfilling the social and cultural needs of personnel.
• Work Health and Safety: Our principle is to focus on maintaining work health and safety in our operations, preserving our natural environment and developing systems to prevent work accidents

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Manas Bulvarı No:39 Folkart Towers B Kule K:30/3004 Bayraklı / İZMİR

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Tel: +90(232) 461 56 66
Faks: +90(232) 461 56 09